Yes we are moving our content, in order to facilitate
easier content aggregation.
Upon logging in to the blog we have worked on for two months, we found uberVu had visited us and reposted our content. We appreciate anyone who thinks our content is useful therefore;
we visited uberVu website and found a nifty little feedback widget we liked very much. You can see it at the bottom of our posts. Sadly, we could not use it on the host we have been working with.
So, we moved the publishing to blogger by Google.
We will continue to publish our content, in modified format, at our former address:
Additionally, we have created a account to try to get a handle on our twitter update feed by brute force. In the past we have logged into our twitter account only to find we have annoyed our followers with multiple re-posts of the same thing, today was no exception.
We do not like it when those we follow practice that sort of shot-gun tweet-spam, we choose to try not to annoy our followers either.
Trying is the operative term.
You will notice our layout is different, we have post pages but we have not decided if we will continue the individual tank logs we were fooling around with at our previous address. Our site and product reviews will continue, the link lists will be reconstructed here shortly, as will the articles we started writing on new tanks for those new to the fish-keeping and aquatic plant hobby.
It is our sincere desire to write well and provide useful content. We acknowledge the changes may not appear all that earthshaking but on the back end, for the purpose of management and prompt responses to user comments, believe us it makes a world of difference.
Thank you for continuing to read.
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